Applies data security to model attribute hierarchies

{ addHierarchySecurityToModel }

Sets attribute hierarchy security in a specific data model for the given role.



  • API Section: /API2/dataSources
  • API Version: 2.0
  • From Release: 2020.0
  • Method operates via POST actions only.
  • Input Parameters



    Object Type


    Details of the security settings to be applied to a data model's hierarchies or measures.

    Output Response

    Successful Result Code


    Response Type

    Description of Response Type

    Generic API response object with success or failure flag and related messages.


    Setting Data Model Security (JavaScript):

    This example demonstrates how to set hierarchy, measure adn member level security in a data model programmatically.

    The example uses API authentication driven from JavaScript. See Authentication APIs for alternatives.

    // URL of the Pyramid installation and the path to the API 2.0 REST methods
    var pyramidURL = "";
    // step 1: authenticate admin account and get token
    // NOTE: callApi method is a generic REST method shown below.
    let token = callApi("auth/authenticateUser",{
    log("got token "+token);
    //step 2: find server by name
    let server= callApi("dataSources/findServerByName ",{
    	"searchCriteria": {
    		"searchValue":"Pyramid IMDB"
    	"auth": token
     // get server's system ID
    let serverId =[0].itemId
    //step 3: find database by name
    let database= callApi("dataSources/findDatabaseByName ",{
    	"auth": token
    //get database's system ID
    let databaseId =[0].itemId
    //step 4: find model by name for the chosen database
    let model= callApi("dataSources/findModelByName ",{
    	"auth": token
    //get model's system ID
    let modelId =[0].itemId
    //step 4: find role by name
    let role= callApi("access/getRolesByName ",{
    		    "searchValue":"role 1"
    	"auth": token
    //get role's system ID
    let roleId =[0].roleId
    //step 5A: adding member security to the model by specific selection
    // set this role to see 2009 and 2010 (and by definition hide any other year)
    let addMembersSecurityToModel= callApi("dataSources/addMembersSecurityToModel ",{
    	    "isEnableMode": true,
    	    "hierarchyUniqueName": "[Date].[year]", //this is the unique name of the parent hierarchy
    	    "members":["2009", "2010"] //list of members (using their captions)
    	"auth": token
    //step 5B: adding member security to the model by script
    // set this role to see any country where the non empty cross join 
    // to the 'user' column in the 'security' table matches the logged in user's username (using the username function)
    let addMembersSecurityToModel= callApi("dataSources/addMembersSecurityToModel ",{
    	    "enableMode": true,
    	    "hierarchyUniqueName": "[Geography].[Country]", //this is the unique name of the parent hierarchy
    	    "script":"NonEmpty([Geography].[Country].AllMembers, {StrToMember([Security].[User],UserName())})" //logical PQL script for defining a list of members
    	"auth": token
    //step 5C: adding member security to the model by script
    // set this role to see any records in the model where it is inherently filtered (inner joined) 
    // against the value of the currently logged in user's name in the 'userIds' column in the 'Org' table (from the username function)
    let addMembersSecurityToModel= callApi("dataSources/addMembersSecurityToModel ",{
    	    "isEnableMode": true,
    	    "hierarchyUniqueName": "[Security].[User]", //this is the unique name of the parent hierarchy
    	    "script":"StrToMember([Org].[UserIds],UserName())" //logical PQL script for defining a list of members
    	"auth": token
    //step 6: adding hierarchy security to the model
    // set this role to NOT see the state hierarchy in the customer dimension/table
    let addHierarchySecurityToModel= callApi("dataSources/addHierarchySecurityToModel ",{
    	    "isEnableMode": false,
    	    "uniqueNames": ["[Customer].[State]"] //this is the unique name of the hierarchy, in a list
    	"auth": token
    //step 7: adding measure security to the model
    // set this role to see the the cost measure in the model (and by definition to hide all other measures)
    let addMeasureSecurityToModel= callApi("dataSources/addMeasureSecurityToModel ",{
    	    "isEnableMode": true,
    	    "uniqueNames": ["[measures].[Cost]"] //this is the unique name of the measure, in a list
    	"auth": token
    // ##### optional generic login method for debugging ##############
    function log(msg){
    // ##### generic REST API calling method ##############
    function callApi(path,data,parseResult=true){
    	var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", pyramidURL+path, false);
    		return JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
    		return xhttp.responseText;